Doug’s Blog

19 Feb 2013

Pursuing “Happiness” is Overrated

By |2017-04-03T11:32:16-06:00February 19th, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog, Mindset and Motivation|

As people move out of survival and safety mode and up the Maslov pyramid, they generally start pursuing "happiness" as a goal.

I'll be happy when….

But is our obsession with happiness causing us to be unhappy? Is it even the right goal? Do happy business owners and employees perform better in the market?

Happiness Is Overrated

Happy unhappy business opportunity creativity success

Happiness as a destination is the wrong way to look at it. 

If we never know unhappiness we would never do anything different or change.

Try […]

12 Feb 2013

Welcoming Big Changes in Your Business

By |2017-04-03T11:32:24-06:00February 12th, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog|

Many businesses are reacting to change when they absolutely have to. They are not anticipating changes and moving ahead of their competitors.

Tactical thinking rather than strategic.

This will continue to be true.

In Crossing the Chasm (Geoffrey Moore) the curve for adopting new technology (and ideas) is a bell curve. The Innovators and Early Adopters are a small group. Even the entire group of the Early Majority only brings the adoption rate up to 50%.

This is great news for strategic thinking business owners because disruption can let you jump ahead of your competitors.

A Trip to the Dentist

I needed a root canal […]

5 Feb 2013

The Myth of Life Sucking Managers Versus Inspiring Leaders

By |2017-04-03T11:32:31-06:00February 5th, 2013|Categories: Doug's Blog, Dream Teams, Leadership|

I’ve noticed a trend lately in
many articles and posts online to cast management as a bit of a negative beast
from the past and leadership as the enlightened path to the future.

“Don’t be a manager… be a

Compliance versus commitment.

There was a similar trend for
people in sales a while back as the profession was cast with a negative spin; “call
yourself anything but a salesperson”.

But is this really justified or
even necessary? Is it actually harmful?

Management leadership visionary strategy business success

I believe we […]

28 Jan 2013

The Easy Path or the Hard Road

By |2017-04-03T11:32:36-06:00January 28th, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog, Mindset and Motivation|

In business and life we are often faced with choices: the seemingly easy path and the hard road.

The Easy Path

There are times when the easy path is the right choice. No need to complicate life for things that don't really matter.

A lot the time though, the easy path only seems easier and often is only easier over the short-term.

Yet, most people will take the easy path anyways. Brush things under the rug. Don't deal with problems. Put things off.

The easy path is easier right now. That is all that matters. 

After-all, maybe the consequences will never materialize.

Hard road strategic goals <a href= […]

23 Jan 2013

The Power of Passion in Business Goals

By |2017-04-03T11:32:46-06:00January 23rd, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog|

Most businesses I've come across write goals that are devoid of any passion.

Typical Goal Setting

A typical vision or long-term business goal.

  • 5000 customers
  • 20 million in revenue
  • Sell tools, coaching and training
  • Happy customers
  • by 2016

This is pretty clear so most businesses stop there.

Man on moon business big vision passion goal
A Better Version

2016, we are going to help 5000 business owners and their teams create dream
businesses that enrich the lives of everyone they touch. We will deliver so
much value through […]

21 Jan 2013

Caution: Business Owner Acting As Stairs

By |2017-04-03T11:33:03-06:00January 21st, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog|

Are you trying to remove all risk from your business?

I saw this sign by some escalators that were out of order the other day.

It got me to thinking:

  • Are stairs really more dangerous than escalators?
  • Is the warning about the fact you will have to exert yourself; exercise is dangerous?
  • If you can read the sign, don't you think you would notice that the escalator was not moving?
  • What would happen if the sign was not there? Would people just stand on the first stair for hours without […]
17 Jan 2013

10 Steps to Your Most Important Work

By |2017-04-03T11:33:14-06:00January 17th, 2013|Categories: Doug's Blog, Leadership, Mindset and Motivation|

Every minute you are not working on “Your Most Important
Work” means you are not working at your full potential!

For most entrepreneurs and business owners, the day is
filled with things that need to get done.

The busy work.

If you are using lists to track your pending work it may
actually look something like this.

Your most important work task-lists business-success
Lists are a great first step for getting things done and not
forgetting things.

But they are overwhelming.

They are also potentially […]

11 Jan 2013

The Science of Business Intuition: 4 Steps

By |2017-04-03T11:33:22-06:00January 11th, 2013|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog, Mindset and Motivation|

Business leaders must often go with their gut in making timely decisions.  

But that begs the questions:

  • Why does trusting your gut work? 
  • When does it not work?

Many small business owners lack the required knowledge, experience or information to trust their intuition effectively. At the same time they often "believe" their intuition is serving them well.

Intuition is largely driven by the intersection of your subconscious brain and your conscious thoughts.

Your brain stores vast amounts of information and experiences as well as the corresponding emotions, etc. that go with them.

When you need to make a decision quickly without enough conclusive information, your brain […]

3 Jan 2013

Essential: Ensure Your Business is Prepared

By |2017-04-03T11:33:29-06:00January 3rd, 2013|Categories: Doug's Blog, Leadership|

The impact of not being prepared for unusual situations can cripple or destroy your business.

Business Ensure Prepared Measure Systems
What Can Happen

I went out for Chinese food on Christmas Eve. We made reservation and were seated at 5pm.

After taking our order the waitress informed us that things were really busy and it would take an hour for the food to come out of the kitchen. Looking around things didn't seem to be any busier than normal.

We happened to be close enough […]

30 Dec 2012

Look Back at 2012: Celebrate Your Business Wins

By |2017-04-03T11:33:37-06:00December 30th, 2012|Categories: Business Strategy, Doug's Blog, Mindset and Motivation|

Reflecting on 2012 I realized we tend to look back at the challenges and problems we faced and focus our forward momentum on "improving" things for the future.

It is easy to lose sight of the good parts. 

As we are climbing the mountains of our business (or personal) goals it is important to stop often and look back.  

Business Goals Reflect Wins Celebrate 2013 2012

Not just for the flaws, but what we did well or right. Life is bumpy […]