Sunwapta Blog

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5Dec 2014

To Grow You Must Embrace A Systems Strategy

By |December 5th, 2014|

Business Systems Teamwork Puzzle

It is quite odd that most business owners and entrepreneurs are not actually business builders by nature. Yet, building a business is your primary role when you start and try to grow a business.

Most business owners started their business because they were good at something… their products and services. Or they were visionaries creating something brand new. But it was still about the product or service.

That was true for us. We were really good at systems, technology and projects. […]

3Dec 2014

Connect Your Dots With Purpose And A Plan

By |December 3rd, 2014|

If your business plan goes something like “we will seize opportunities as they come”; how will you know what an opportunity is? Do you seize every opportunity? How long do you pursue one before you chase the next? Do any of them get completed? 

In this post by Brittany Leung, she shows you what this could look like and why it might be the reason you are not creating lasting results in your business.

By Brittany Leung

Connecting the Dots - Your Purpose and Plan […]

2Dec 2014

The True Cost Of Not Having A Clear Business Plan

By |December 2nd, 2014|

As we head into 2015 I’ve been pondering why a lot of small and even mid-sized businesses fail to reach their full potential. Here is one startling fact:

“People who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people who don’t. Yet less than 4% of people write down their goals and less than 1% of people review them on an ongoing basis.” ~ Dr. David Kohl

That’s right. On average you will earn 9x more over your lifetime.

Business person with no plan, overwhelmed and needs help

If you […]

1Dec 2014

5 Things I Learned About Customer Retention Just by Eating Dinner

By |December 1st, 2014|

We’ve all had that less than memorable customer experience. Slow or wrong order. Late project delivery. How your staff deals with it is just as important as fixing the mistake. It all starts at the top.

By Barbara Abramson

Restaurant Manager Bad Customer ServiceMy husband and I recently stopped for dinner at a local eatery that had gluten-free options. The chain is a step-down of a national chain, but not quite fast food. You order at the counter, are given a number for your table and servers bring your food to you.

The food is […]

26Nov 2014

Giving 110%: Walking the Edge Or Holding Back?

By |November 26th, 2014|


I hear a lot of people saying I gave 100%. Some can even apparently give more then everything they have, 110% or 120%.

Physics, economics, logic and math aside, how do you know you are giving it your all?

Effort Or Time

Is it time spent? Are you spending every waking moment dedicated to achieve your goal. Is this effective?

Exertion or Exhaustion

Are you going until you collapse into exhaustion? Are you sprinting or running the marathon?

Brainpower and Smarts

Or maybe you are dedicated to learning everything you can about the subject and succeeding because everyday you out think your competition. At the end of […]

23Nov 2014

When Your Business Plan Derails

By |November 23rd, 2014|

Train Late Derailed Business Plans

I was at the office a little late the other night. My plan was to catch the 9:00 p.m. train and head home, relax a bit, and then get a good sleep.

Sometimes plans get derailed.

I got to the train platform and heard the announcement, “Trains are not running in the downtown core. Shuttle buses will be available for passengers at the orange 201/202 stops.”

Crap! I had thought the earlier accident with a pedestrian was cleared. […]

20Nov 2014

Why Lack of Clarity On Your Vision Will Get You What You DON’T Want

By |November 20th, 2014|

Vision Clarity Intent Decisions Foggy Road

You are driving down a country road in the foggy, wintry weather with no map, no GPS and no compass. You reach a crossroads. Do you go straight? Do you turn left or right? Do you drive fast or slow?

In this post by our very special guest, Dixie Gillaspie, she shows us the value in not driving your business blind.

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.”

By Dixie Gillaspie

In my “former life” of business consulting, we talked […]

19Nov 2014

The Golden Rule and Influence

By |November 19th, 2014|

“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.”

~ The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann

In Brittany Leung’s debut post here, she explores how the basic rule she learned as a child applies more now than ever.

By Brittany Leung

The Golden Rule and Business SuccessI’m realizing that as much as there is to learn about business, there is one component that is foundational and critical to the success of any company.

This single element is so basic that most people overlook it and never apply it.

The Golden Rule

As […]

18Nov 2014

Tick Tock, Punching The Clock: How To Engage A Team

By |November 18th, 2014|

Three of the top reasons people feel disengaged at work include: don’t like their boss, don’t feel connected with other employees and don’t feel they matter. In this post connection expert and coach Barbara Abramson shows you some ways to engage your team and turn this around.

By Barbara Abramson

Disengaged Employees Bored Team PresentationI used to work for a media company that was divided into several autonomous departments, each overseen by a mid-level manager who reported to the division manager.  We operated pretty independently of each other and were in essence, our own […]

17Nov 2014

Why Manifast Now? The Official Launch

By |November 17th, 2014|

Several months ago (my how time flies), I had decided that we need to launch a blog that was a little different from my personal blog.

That time has come.

Well in reality this blog doesn’t look terribly different from the brand new look on my personal blog.

But looks can be deceiving.

We’ve decided to keep a consistent brand across all of our sites so looks alone are not the difference.

It is the character, format and content that will be a bit different.

My personal blog will keep going as a place for me to write […]