I just finished reading "Linchpin – Are You Indispensable" by Seth Godin. In the book he encourages you to make a difference in what you do, treat your work as an art, connect with people, get things done, and be the best you can be. The world is changing quickly and people who merely show up (cogs), are going to be marginalized. So be indispensable.
I just started reading another book called "Who – The A Method for Hiring" by Geoff Smart and Randy Street. I tripped across this one through the magic of Amazon. The premise of the book is that great companies are driven by hiring great employees; type A employees (not B or C employees). Type A employees matched with the right work get things done, make a difference, and do great things.
Two separate perspectives (individual versus organization), same basic message.
Are you bringing your A game to your work? Are you working to be indispensable?
If not maybe you should be.