We are up on a bit of a hill. Last night we got a surprise frost. So much for the weather forecast.
Yup the nights are getting cooler here in Calgary and that means everyone is getting back to business after a relatively short summer.
There are two main periods of busy business activity here in Calgary: Fall and Winter/Spring. Stampede until Labour Day is a slow period and so is December/January. This year with the doom and gloom economy still lingering, it was especially pronounced.
Federally, the politicians are thumping their chests again. Too bad they consider their job to be mudslinging and discrediting each other to get ready for an election and not running things. "We can do better" was the tentative campaign message for the opposition. Hmm, gotta like the breadth of that vision. We can be average or a bit better.
I think we have to start seeing "we can do great things"; not just a little better.
I know that is how my vision looks for our business.